My sister Larnie came over from her Singapore hideaway to spend my birthday with me - I turned 39 last week, the last one before I exit my Flirty Thirties and embark on the Naughty Forties. The second she landed I popped her at a desk at Donna Ida HQ and had her retype the entire staff manual (I had cleverly added a password to the file that was so clever even I couldn't remember it) then we shot off for an afternoon of girl stuff. This was my perfect birthday:
11am - Cake and champagne at Donna Ida HQ.
12.30pm - Depart office, head to the V&A to see the Ballgowns Exhibition.
12.35pm - Receive a call from Donna Ida Chelsea to say a customer has spotted Brad Pitt having lunch in Itsu with two of his children and a host of bodyguards. Turn car around at high speed and head to Itsu.
1pm - Depart Itsu with no Brad sighting.
1.20pm - Visit the Ballgowns Exhibition at the V&A. Heaven!
3.30pm - Arrive at the Berkeley Hotel for Jubilee Pret-A-Portea.
6pm - Arrive at Harvey Nichols, cake and champagne fueled. Prepare to buy expensive impractical shoes but come out empty handed (except for a Tom Ford perfume ostensibly for Bobby Dazzler but which I am using).
6.30pm - Arrive at the Four Seasons on Park Lane to meet Larnie's boyfriend John and my love Bobby Dazzler for drinks.
8pm - Arrive at Zuma to eat my body weight in sushi.
11.30pm – Flop into bed, a fully fledged 39 year old.