Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so to celebrate we’ve asked a host of fashionable people to share the lessons that their mother taught them. To join the conversation and enter our competition to win a pair of Mother Denim jeans, see details at the end of this blog. Happy Mother’s Day.
Vicki Murdoch, Director of Silken Favours
My Mother Told Me:
- Do your best -
- Be kind to others -
- Never forget the label on your bra is always on the left -
Twitter/IG - @silkenfavours
Martha Ward, Freelance Fashion Stylist & Contributing Editor/
My Mother Told Me:
- Make do and mend! My mother is a whizz on the sewing machine and it's a longstanding joke now that when I go home I will have a pile of vintage clothes with me that that need altering - something she is SO brilliant at. I have picked up along the way and done many of my own alterations and amendments - it's one of my favourite hobbies. I will always remember the birthday she gave me a sewing machine. Though I'm not quite the whizz that she is just yet so she's still on standby! -
- That home is where the heart is. She has always made it our sanctuary and the cosiest place to be, and as a result I too have created a home that is a nest. I wouldn't want to exist any other way, and it's the same for my siblings. Without a doubt that is her influence - we don't know any different -
- And I think the importance of closeness and family unity is the prevailing one. I consider it down to her that we are a very close and loving family and I want to carry that on for when I am a mother and have a family. Her Sunday lunches are legendary - she rarely leaves the side of the Aga - cooking up a feast ; that's the other thing we are all constantly learning from her -
Twitter - marthaward2
IG - marthaward
Angie Smith, Stylist / Fashion Consultant
My Mother Told Me:
- You don't have to spend a lot of money to look good, I remember us making weekly trips to the charity shops and second hand stores -
- Don't over pluck your eyebrows, mum plucked mine for the first time when I was 15 and then of course I thought id have a go myself, it wasn't pretty! -
- The importance of being happy, she would always tell me that she didn't mind what I did with my life as long as I was happy -
Twitter/IG - angiesmithstyle
Laura Weir, Fashion Features Director at The Sunday Times Style
My Mother Told Me:
- Be your own best friend. She wants to know I will always look after myself, listen to what my mind and body needs and be happy just being me -
- Don't waste time worrying. It's counterproductive - always! -
- Tune in and listen to your gut. It's always right and will never let you down, and never worry about making the wrong decision. It's the right decision because you made it! -
Twitter/IG - Laura_weir
Lucia Debieux, Marie Claire
My Mother Told Me:
-Never go to bed with wet hair, tricky when you had long hair down to your bum as a child that took forever to dry! But do sleep in plaits for beachy waves. Winning -
-Always say thank you, preferably on a hand-written note. From a young age we would write a messy scribbled thank you notes, keeping the local postman busy! -
-It's better to be with no man, than the wrong man! I hear ya Mumma! -
-Finally treat people how you want to be treated. Simple but works -
Twitter/IG - @LuciaDebieux
Markus Lupfer, Fashion Designer
My Mother Told Me:
- Do not swear -
- Never let a lady pay -
Twitter/IG - @markuslupfer
Jane Bruton, Editor-in-Chief of Grazia
My Mother Told Me:
- To pursue your dreams and never give in (she had to leave school at 16 but then saved up to put herself through college and become a teacher) -
- To eat well and be body confident (I never saw her on a diet and I wasn't allowed to leave the table before I'd eaten properly) -
- To be independent minded (although I think she regretted this when I hit my teens, and especially when I jacked in my first job to go travelling – in the middle of a recession!) -
Twitter/IG - @janeGRAZIA
Yasmin Mills, Event Organiser
My Mother Told Me:
- If in doubt, sleep on it -
- Embrace the fact that my generation of women is still one of the first to genuinely have the
choice to be live our lives however we choose -
- (This is actually from my grandmother) There is plenty of time to rest when you are dead! -
Twitter/IG - @yasminmills01
Claire Brayford, Fashion Features Writer
My Mother Told Me:
- You can always tell a good cafe by the homemade cakes they have on display -
- If you want the best, be it a builder or a beautifully cut jacket, you must pay for it. Buy it cheap, buy it twice -
- You should always heat the teapot with boiling water before making a pot of tea -
- If you want to be a writer, you have to be a reader (something I regularly tell myself while watching reruns of Friends) -
Twitter - @cococan
Sarah Chapman, Founder of Sarah Chapman Skinesis
My Mother Told Me:
- My Mother taught me to moisturise! Years of extreme weather conditions, whilst living in Norway, meant we could never be without face creams. Barrier creams in the winter snow and light SPF lotions in the Summer sunshine -
- My Mum is very spiritual and taught me to take note of the little signs around you and to always trust your
instincts. Like that voice in your head that reminds you to check if you locked the front door! -
- Always treat others as you wish to be treated. What goes around comes around -
Twitter - @Skinesis
IG - scskinesis
Donna Ida Thornton, Owner of Donna Ida
My Mother Told Me:
- Never count someone's money in front of them (I used to love to count Dad's change on his dressing table) -
- Always leave the table feeling like you could eat more (still trying to get my head around this one) -
- Always say thank you enthusiastically immediately after you have received a gift (which I find tends to encourage more)
Twitter/IG - @donnaida
Natalia Maria Barbieri, Co-Director of Bionda Castana
My Mother Told Me:
- To always be on time -
- To always take a chance, even if you end up getting hurt -
- If you have nothing good to say, it’s better not to say anything -
Twitter/IG - @Biondacastana
Tamara Ecclestone, Owner of SHOW beauty
My Mother Told Me:
- To always treat others how I would like to be treated -
- To always take makeup off before going to sleep -
- Not to over pluck my eyebrows as much as I wanted to as a teenager -
Twitter - @tamecclestone
IG - Tamaraecclestoneofficial
Jo Elvin, Editor at Glamour Magazine
My Mother Told Me:
- The best gift my mother gave me was the one of ambition. To want the best for myself. She encouraged
me to work hard at school, with the message that doing well in exams and getting to university was to access a world
of opportunities that wasn't open to her. I am very grateful for that -
- That being in 'the cool gang' at school was totally over-rated. I so didn't believe her at the time.
God, I wish I could get in a time machine and have a chat with my 14 year-old self! -
- To treat others as you wish to be treated – not original advice, but still true. Sometimes taking the
high road in the face of ill treatment is hard, but ultimately worth it -
Twitter - @Jo_Elvin
Candice Lake, Photographer, blogger and Style Editor at Vogue Australia
My Mother Told Me:
- Always be financially independent and never rely on anyone but yourself for money -
- Always remember, dressing the part is 50% of success. Capture their attention with your image
and then make them listen to what you have to say -
- Travel the world and experience its' immense diversity before you settle down, so you will
never have any regrets... this was by far her best piece of advice -
Twitter/IG - @candiceLake
FB - Candice Lake Photographer
Amanda Davies, CNN Sports Anchor/Correspondent
My Mother Told Me:
- Always wear a full face of makeup and make an effort with your appearance when you go to the
hairdressers - apparently it will make them do a better job! -
- It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to look great -
- Never turn down an invitation, new experience or a glass of champagne. It turns out mum has
much better stamina than me when it comes to this one!! -
Twitter - @amandajdavies
Courtney Blackman, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief, The Industry
My Mother Told Me:
- Anything boys can do, girls can do better – via a t-shirt that she bought for me
when I was about five or six years old -
- Always wear nice knickers – something about potential car accidents, trips to hospital and doctors
possibly seeing your undergarments. This actually did come in handy one time in Denver -
- Thank you notes. As soon as I was able to write legibly, thank you notes were distributed for
anything and everything: birthdays, Christmases, dinner parties…promoting good manners, and of
course further gift giving and invitations -
Twitter - @courtnyblackman
Instagram - @courtneyblackman
Melissa Odabash, Owner & Designer of Melissa Odabash
My Mother Told Me:
- Always wear clean underwear. If you have an accident, you don’t want to go
to the hospital with bad underwear -
- Never ever depend on a man, make your own money -
- Always write thank you notes when you receive a gift -
Twitter/IG @melissaodabash
Tim Kaeding, Co-owner/Designer of Mother
My Mother Told Me:
- Always open doors for a lady….Especially my Mom -
- Never ever ever chew with your mouth open….ever. Years of schooling on this one -
- If there is a piece of clothing that you really really love and can’t live without, no matter what it costs, you just have to
buy it. Worry about the consequences later. I’ve always lived by that rule. I owe a lot…. -
Twitter/IG/FB: @motherdenim
Nicky Clark Summer, Founder of Nicky Summer Lifestyle
My Mother Told Me:
- Have either fruit or vegetables with every meal. Limit snacks and sweets
because they are directly linked to ill health -
- Use the words 'please avoid' rather than the word 'don't', unless an emergency. The first sounds
like a polite request while the latter sounds like a command, and nobody likes being bossed around -
- Environment is key to success and attitudes are contagious. If you want to remain happy and successful, be
around others who are happy and successful -
* Needless to say, I have broken every single one of these teachings repeatedly over the years and have lived to regret it!
Twitter - @nickysummer
Navaz Batliwalla, Freelance stylist and editor of
My Mother Told Me:
- Independence: She's a free spirit at heart and has always encouraged me to follow my own path -
- Humour: she'll find something to laugh at in the most dire situations -
- Quality is better than quantity: I blame her for my cashmere addiction -
Twitter - @disneyrollrgirl
Marissa Hermer, The Ignite Group: Bumpkin, Boujis, Eclipse
My Mother Told Me:
- Follow your heart -
- Turn up the volume and dance -
- A long hot bath with a few drops tea tree oil helps -
Twitter/IG - @marissahermer
Victoria Moss, Acting Fashion Features Director at Marie Claire UK
My Mother Told Me:
- That you mustn't go swimming straight after lunch -
- That bad manners and being unpleasant are inexcusable traits -
- That if you let the dog go near the dirty stream, he will jump into it -
Twitter - @missVmoss
IG - @missvictoriamoss
Amy E. Williams, INSPIRE Magazine and YOU Magazine, The Mail On Sunday
My Mother Told Me:
- To judge a man by what he does, not what he says. I only wish she’d told me this when I was
circa 13, not circa 30.. it may have saved a lot of heartache! -
- To make things happen, not wait for them to happen. My mother had a great career and now she always
has a project on the go. By example she’s taught me to be independent and a go-getter -
- How to make perfect scrambled eggs. Sadly, I’m not sure I’ve inherited Mum’s
flair for cooking, but I’d back myself in rustling up a damn good brunch -
Twitter/IG - @AmyEdits
Carmen Haid, Founder of ATELIER-MAYER.COM
My Mother Told Me:
- When visiting others to first ask for the need to take off shoes -
- To identify flowers in the alpine fauna (I grew up in Austria) -
- To cook lasagne without béchamel (it’s a healthy and very delicious version) -
Twitter/IG - @AtelierMayer
Cherry Healey, Presenter
My Mother Told Me:
- It doesn't matter how cheap it is, if you didn't want it in the first place it's not good value -
- How to make a lasagne so good your head will explode -
- She has taught me, by demonstrating, the art of survival with strength and grace (I can only hope to
practice it with her panache!) -
Twitter/IG - cherryhealey
Angela Radcliffe, Donna Ida Brand Ambassador, Model, and personal shopper/stylist
My Mother Told Me:
- No experience in life is ever wasted -
- Follow your instincts, they won't let you down -
- Never buy cheap handbags or shoes -
- I couldn't resist a fourth tip! Always circulate at parties -
Lisa Snowdon, Radio and TV Host and Jewellery Designer
My Mother Told Me:
- All about the birds and the bee's at age 7 -
- How to make the best spaghetti cheese -
- How to knit -
Twitter - @Lisa_Snowdon, @958capbreakfast
IG - lisa_snowdon, daveandlisa
Trish Halpin, Editor in Chief Marie Claire
My Mother Told Me:
- Splash out on a good moisturiser – and don't forget your neck! -
- Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. We didn't have huge amounts of money growing up but she was a whizz with money management and now I am too -
- The best way to get the house work done? Sing at the top of your lungs, even if you've got a terrible voice -
Twitter - @TrishHalpin
Peggy Porschen, Founder & Creative Director of Peggy Porschen Cakes
My Mother Told Me:
- My Mother taught me how important family is, how they come before anyone else and how to be their for each other through thick and thin -
- My Mother is a very strong woman with exacting standards, she taught me not to take things lying down, to feel scared but to do things anyway and to stand up for myself and to demand the best from people. Our
motto is, if you are going to do something, do it properly and to the very best of your ability, or don't do it at all -
- My Mother never leaves the house without her hair and make up perfectly set, she is very house
proud and an excellent host, she taught me how important attention to detail, good manners and presentation is -
Twitter/IG - @peggyporschen
Mimi Spencer, Co-author of The Fast Diet
My Mother Told Me:
- If you love something, buy three. Or four. For me, it means excellent J Brand and MiH jeans in as
many colours as possible. The point is, if you find something that really works, stop looking any further -
- Never underestimate the power of small leather goods -
- If you think your hair might be looking a bit ropey, it probably is. Do something about it before you leave the house -
Twitter/IG/FB - @mimispencer1
Jane Gottschalk, Co-founder/ Executive Director of Jax Coco, Creative Director of Perfect
Moment ski and sportswear and director of OhSo Probiotic Chocolate
My Mother Told Me:
- Never order a pint of beer- it’s not ladylike (had a bad start as I arrived in
Germany for university where we drank it by the litre for breakfast, lunch and dinner) -
- Never be seen drunk in public (I never told her about the time I was found passed out in the men’s loos at a
party, clutching the toilet bowl. A low point. Never again) -
- Always be early (this is how I met my husband so I have to thank her for that but working full time on
various companies, having five young kids, ten needy dogs and a husband who’s feeling slightly
at the bottom of the pile - I’m lucky if I remember to turn up at all) -
Twitter/IG - @janegottschalk
Martha Swift, Owner of Primrose Bakery
My Mother Told Me:
- Always work hard - my mum works harder than anyone I know even at her age
now of 69, I would like to set the same example to my two daughters -
- Stand up to greet someone when they come into a room - there is nothing worse than arriving at someone's
house and you go into a room and no one gets up but just vaguely acknowledges you from seated.
Even as young children we had to get up immediately and greet people
and I think it makes a really good first impression -
- Be a good friend - having good friends is so important in your life, I am
so lucky to have a group of fantastic friends who I couldn't live without, as does my
mum - but friendship requires work and effort and never to be taken for granted -
Twitter/IG - @primrosebakery
Noelle Reno, Fashion Entrepreneur and TV Presenter
My Mother Told Me:
- You wear your hair everywhere. Go to the best hairdresser you can afford -
- Take very good care of your teeth! -
- Manage your finances - save, invest, rainy days happen. Sadly I've learned this by seeing her mistakes -
Twitter/IG - @NoelleReno
Charlotte Pearl, Co-founder /creative director, Pink Lining
My Mother Told Me:
- You can do anything if you try hard enough (not strictly true but it gave me the confidence to aim high!) -
- Every cloud has a silver lining (important philosophy to refer to when point number one didn't always go to plan!) -
- Treat others as you wish to be treated (fundamental principle for life in general) -
Twitter - @PinkLiningUK
Mariella Tandy, Executive Retail Editor Tatler Magazine and Founder of Wardrobe Connect
My Mother Told Me:
- Always help those weaker than you. You never know when you will need the help of someone stronger -
- You are what you eat. Make sure you eat the best and most wholesome diet available -
- Laugh lots and have fun it is the best anti ageing medicine around -
Twitter - @missmariellat
IG - @mariellatandy
Nicola Sacher, Creative Director, Mungo & Maud
My Mother Told Me:
- Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are -
- Don’t let a black cat cross your path…I’m so grateful it doesn’t apply to dogs -
- It’s lucky when a bird poops on your head….lucky when it happens to someone else as far as I’m concerned -
Twitter - @MungoMaud
IG - @mungoandmaud
FB -
Alex Fullerton, Fashion director, Stylist magazine
My Mother Told Me:
- How to cast on – invaluable for all my half-finished knitting projects -
- How to make the best chicken broth – the perfect cure-all when anyone is poorly -
- The importance of mascara over lipstick as the perfect punctuation for your face -
Twitter/IG - @fullerton_fash
Caroline Legrand, Caroline Legrand Design
My Mother Told Me:
- Always treat others the way you want to be treated -
- Have values, integrity and honesty -
- Always thank people for whatever effort they put into you, whatever they give you little or big... -
Instagram - @carosart
Alice B-B, Vanity Fair Contributing Editor
My Mother Told Me:
- Always leave before the end of a party -
- When you have people to dinner prepare food ahead of time. So rather than red-faced
and flustered over the oven you can drink and chat with your guests. Then as if by magic
produce a (hopefully) delicious supper -
- A big smile is more attractive than expensive clothes -
Twitter/IG - @Alice__BB
Julie-Anne Dorff, Executive Fashion and Jewellery Editor Harper’s Bazaar
My Mother Told Me:
- Open your mind, broaden your horizons -
- Dress appropriately -
- Take care of your skin -
Twitter/IG/FB - @JulieAnneBazaar
Ruth Field aka The Grit Doctor, Author of Run Fat Bitch Run and Get Your Shit Together
My Mother Told Me:
- The value in playing competitive sports and not feeling unfeminine sweating blood and tears -
- That a nice cup of tea and a natter can solve almost any personal crisis -
- That I mustn't waste my 'God-given' talents (advice she was pleased about when it lead to
my becoming a criminal barrister; less pleased about the sweary book titles) -
Twitter - @gritdoctor
Susannah Hunter, Designer
My Mother Told Me:
- If you’re feeling down, wash your hair, put your lipstick on, and get back out there (I say the redder the better!) -
- Always be yourself (unless you’re swearing like a trooper…..) -
- Always have fresh flowers in the house (my favourite advice to uphold, and nowadays I get to buy them for my shop too) -
Twitter - @susannahhunter7
IG - @susannahhunter
FB - Susannah Hunter Handbags & Furnishings
Thea Bregazzi, Director Preen by Thornton Bregazzi
My Mother Told Me:
- You can never have too many coats! She has wardrobes of ' what this old thing' ? -
- To knit - she is an excellent knitter, especially of Arans/ Fairisles and anything! In contrast, I am a
very poor, I slowly knitted a scarf, which was a triumph , it was Summer by the time i finished it! -
- I am never as ill as I think I am - She was an Irish nurse, so no sympathy whatsoever....ever! -
Twitter - @PreenbyTandB
IG - @Preenbythorntonbregazzi
FB - Preen by Thornton Bregazzi
Lian Hirst, Founder, TRACE Publicity
My Mother Told Me:
- A smile will open up a lot more doors for you than a frown -
- Always treat others how you wish to be treated yourself. Respect and courtesy don't cost you anything -
- Never leave the house without lipstick and a heel, you never know who you might bump into -
Twitter/IG - @TRACEPublicity
Daisy Harrison, Founder and Principal, Miss Daisy's Nursery School's and Co-Creator of Hip Hop Hen Educational Apps
My Mother Told Me:
- My mother taught me the importance of good manners, something I hope I pass on to my pupils -
- When I was growing up my mother always had a business on the go - selling children's shoes,
hand knitted jumpers, costume jewellery etc. She taught my brothers and I that if you want
something you have to work hard to get it -
- She also tried very hard to teach me to knit, alas I definitely haven't inherited her talent! -
Twitter - @HipHopHenUK and Instagram - @hiphophen
Emily Evans, 9 London
My Mother Told Me:
- My Mother's style definitely influenced me growing up.
She loved to experiment with bold colour and prints and was always taking real risks with clothes.
She always looked great, whether she was going out on the town or at home in jeans -
- I admire now how she always managed to keep up with the trends and
styles of the times, whether it was knitting herself a cool jumper or
making her own dress that she had copied from a Vogue magazine -
- She never kept anything for best and the thing i remember the most was that she always
made an entrance with confidence and style -
Twitter - @9LONDONsw3
Tamara Beckwith Veroni, Co-Founder, The Little Black Gallery
My Mother Told Me:
- She was always beautifully turned out and thought a woman should always make an effort with her appearance -
- My Mother also told me to try to always be kind to everyone. A smile doesn't cost anything she used to tell us -
- Her greatest gift to me was how to create a home. She had the perfect touch in making all our homes cosy, intimate and of course beautiful. That is a true gift -
Twitter - @Tamara_Beckwith and Instagram - @ttpetals
Christy Osborne, American Girl in Chelsea/ Hashtag Haute Social Media
My Mother Told Me:
- Be kind to everyone, all the time, no matter what -
- Your daughter will turn into your best friend -
- When in fashion doubt, rock a little black dress with a classic set of Chanel pearls. It works for almost any occasion -
Twitter/Instagram - @AGinChelsea @HashtagHaute
Frances Card, MD of Frances Card Consultancy
My Mother Told Me:
- WP – Wardrobe Prepare! Make sure you have prepared your wardrobe for everyday – my biggest challenge
was choosing what to wear to a visit with a friend to her psychiatrist ( Celine grey silk shirt and Donna Karan grey wool pants ) -
- PA – Partner Aware! Always make your partner happy once every day (she never confided HOW
and of course I can’t possibly share how I interpreted that)! -
- CdC – Coupe de Champagne! Tea is helpful but champagne is healing ( just try a glass of Cristal if the world is in turmoil!) -
Twitter/IG/FB - @francescard
Joanne Admiraal, Founder of Hey Jo
My Mother Told Me:
- To be independent - don’t wait for anything just go ahead and aim higher than your
comfortable level - also not to be scared of travelling alone -
- Play music - it wasn’t a question of would you like to, it was 'which instrument will you play?’ and not give up! Good advice,
how many times do we hear "I used to play the ***** and wish I hadn’t stopped” ?? Music’s with you for life -
- There’s nothing more important than family … there simply isn’t -
Twitter/Instagram - @heyjolondon
Sophie Merchant, Founder of Merchant Archive
My Mother Told Me:
- My mum taught me to sew. My first forays into fashion design were with her. Bleaching my favourite 'drain pipe' jeans
on the kitchen draining board in punk swirls in the 80s and sewing outfits on an old singer under her guidance -
- Do smoke but not whilst walking down the street. I gave up years ago, but every time I walk into a cloud of smoke It reminds
me of her. I love that she wasn't saying don't smoke just don't do it walking down the street! -
- Stand up straight, ladies don't slouch. My mum like hers before her, made me walk around the house with a book on
my head. Im afraid there is every possibility I will do the same to my daughter one day -
Twitter/IG - merchantarchive
FB - Merchant Archive
Solange Azagury-Partridge, Founder and designer Solange Ltd
My Mother Told Me:
- Look your best and be the best person you can be each and every day -
- Put your husband and children first in all things -
- If you make onions and/or garlic the foundation of a dish, everyone will think it's delicious -
Twitter - @solangeazagury
FB - solange.azagury.partridge
Charlotte Pilcher, Artistic Director , Tamara Mellon
My Mother Told Me:
- Despite the face that my mother urged me to look after my husband, she would be horrified to know that my poor
husband James is usually left with a rind of cheese in the fridge if I go away -
- When I first got married, Mum’s advice was “to be a silky smooth mystery, all evidence of moustache /leg hairs/plucking/tweezing and any sort of pruning must be hidden away, thereby maintaining one’s allure at all costs” -
- She also said time and time again, “never refuse him, or you’ll be sure to loose him” -
- And advised “ never break wind in front of a man” -
All three bits of advice, I have flouted.
- The advice I did follow, and thank her for, every time, is the caution to take all my make up off before going to bed however late or early in the morning it is, particularly mascara, as she says your eyelashes may fall out.. As I have been lucky enough to have inherited her lashes and skin, and she still looks fabulous to this day, I know it makes sense! -
- Also to write thank you letters on lovely paper with posh ink -
- And never to gossip, but where’s the fun in that. I’d rather stick with the great line from Steel Magnolias, “if you ain’t got nothing good to say about anybody, why don’t you just come right over here and sit down next to me” -
Twitter/IG - @TamaraMellon
Belinda Parmar, CEO of Lady Geek & Founder of Little Miss Geek
My Mother Told Me:
- Nothing is Impossible (my independent spirit has definitely helped me with running my own business) -
- Ask Forgiveness not Permission (This one has got me into trouble especially in corporate life) -
- Always write thank you cards when people give you gifts (I still do this now except its usually a tweet :) -
Twitter/IG/FB - @belindaparmar @ladygeek
Lee Epting, Vice President, Media Solution Center Europe, Samsung Electronics
My Mother Told Me:
- Buy It! It will never owe you a thing -
- If you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, great things happen -
- When going to a party, always be sure to say "please and thank you" (albeit this one was from my younger years, but still applies) -
Twitter - @epting
Denise Tavernier, Commercial Director/owner of Chiltern Street Studio
My Mother Told Me:
- Never kiss the cat you'll catch 'Tizic' it was only recently when I tried to bestow this on my teens that they
googled it and now I know it was a lie. At least I never caught worms but have more pets than people in my house -
- Always carry a two pence piece in case you ever needed to make an
emergency phone call. Little did we know we'd all have mobile phones -
- Better to look good than to feel good, this was always imparted when she was
trying to de-tangle my hair on a daily basis. Now I wear it 1cm long -
Twitter/IG -@Chiltern_St
Jane Wilson, Chiltern Street Studio/Managing Director/Owner
My Mother Told Me:
- If you don't go to school on a Friday you can't go out on a Friday night (I always
went to school on Fridays and my kids have had one day off school each in their entire school lives to date) -
- Always look for the positive in any situation (am irritatingly positive) -
- Never have a perm and combine with yellow dungarees (a vivid memory of my Mum in the early 80s) -
Twitter - @chiltern_st
IG - chilternstreetstudio
Brooke Metcalfe, CEO of Vickisarge
My Mother Told Me:
- Always smell the roses!! ( easier for her as she had a rose garden.. But I'm trying) -
- To always keep things in perspective... Again, I'm trying -
- Never but never chew gum!! -
She taught me so many things.. Mostly to trust my instinct, not to fear the untrodden
path, and to maintain dignity, to be truly at peace! Thanks Mom!!! Xx
Join the conversation to enter our competition by tweeting us what your mother told you to @donnaidadenim and @MotherDenim #MotherToldMe. One winner will wear a pair of Mother Denim jeans and ten runners up will win Mother Denim tees or tote bag. Click here for full details. Shop Designers.