
Chelsea Shop Fit - Day 19

As with any project, there's going to be the odd hitch.  This week we've painted the whole shop the wrong colour, had the solid brass rail which is a main feature in the shop strangely disappear, and when I popped in to check on progress yesterday there was a painter sitting on the loo cleaning his brushes.  In full overalls of course :)

And the front counter won't be ready in time.  Which is where the tills sit.  Which is key.

All details.  The bulk of it's coming along well - what is still a building site will be a beautiful new shop on Sunday evening (not the early hours of Monday morning.....please).donna ida, store opening, preview, london blog, london style, blogger style, blogger fashion, jeans, instore, renovations, store opening donna ida, store opening, preview, london blog, london style, blogger style, blogger fashion, jeans, instore, renovations, store opening donna ida, store opening, preview, london blog, london style, blogger style, blogger fashion, jeans, instore, renovations, store opening

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