
Daphne's with Kim

I take Kim, one of our Directors, to Daphne's for a Christmas lunch every year - it's where we plan our To Do list for the following year and look over the previous list and see what got checked off, what was ignored altogether, and what was achieved even though it didn't make the list.

Daphne's is always my choice of restaurant - I love the food, the people are amazing, and they've been our neighbours in Chelsea, right by the first Donna Ida boutique, since we first opened.

Daphne's have always been on hand for coffee, glasses of champagne, ladders to borrow and once they even broke down the loo door when I got locked in.  AND they checked the front door of the shop nearly every night when we first opened because I was paranoid I hadn't locked it.

I am a creature of habit and always order the same main meal.  Their famous meatballs.  If you go you HAVE to try them - order a side of spinach too to take the guilt away.  And if you go to lunch don't forget to stop by Donna Ida two door down and say hello.....

 The famous fried zucchini - calorie free over Christmas!
 This is the best soup in the whole wide world. Mushroom - with a gallon of cream (I suspect).

These are the best meatballs you'll ever have. The accompanying roast potatoes are essential!

Pineapple and mango carpaccio with passion fruit sorbet
Kim's Espresso Martini.

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